pgd node get-option v5


The pgd node get-option command is used to get node-level options in the EDB Postgres Distributed cluster.


pgd node <NODENAME> get-option [OPTIONS] [OPTION]

Where <NODENAME> is the name of the node for which you want to get options.

And [OPTION] is the name of a specific group option you want to get. If no option is specified, all options are displayed.

The following options are available:

Node Options

route_priorityPriority assigned to the node.
route_fenceSet to fence the node
route_writesSet to allow node to route writes.
route_readsSet to allow node to route reads.
route_dsnDSN for connections to this node


No command specific options. See Global Options.


Get all node options

pgd node node-one get-option
Option Name    Option Value
-------------- ----------------------------------
route_dsn      host=dhost1 dbname=bdrdb port=5444
route_fence    false
route_priority -1
route_reads    true
route_writes   true

Get a specific node option

pgd node node-one get-option route_priority
Option Name    Option Value
-------------- ----------------------------------
route_priority -1

Get all node options as json

/pgd node node-one get-option -o json
    "option_name": "route_dsn",
    "option_value": "host=dhost1 dbname=bdrdb port=5444"
    "option_name": "route_fence",
    "option_value": "false"
    "option_name": "route_priority",
    "option_value": "-1"
    "option_name": "route_reads",
    "option_value": "true"
    "option_name": "route_writes",
    "option_value": "true"